Saturday, March 21, 2009

I found another great blog by another wonderful mom of a special needs child. It's called Dream Mom (also a Blogger blog). She's a really sweet lady and took the time to respond to me when I emailed about the Compleat. She's a single mom with her hands full but she's going about it happily (as often as we can) and quite an inspiration if you need a pick me up. There is a very good post about what our faces show when we look at our kids. I never thought about it much but when I'm worn out I wonder what Nikolas sees when he looks at me. I hope he understands that I wouldn't trade him for anything and he's not a burden to me at all. I hope Mikayla knows that too. I try tell them both these things but I'm not sure if they really "know" it. I'm making the mental note to remind them again (and again). The post is titled "If your child's face were a mirror what would you see?" Quite an intereting thought, even for those with typical kiddos.

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