Monday, February 23, 2009

SOPO for Nikolas!

I finally got a few minutes to sew for my son! YEA!!! I made him one of the new KCK One SOPO's in a size 3. SOPO stands for "snap on pull off". It's basically like a pull up in cloth. I used a donated green pul and a cute dinosaur flannel fabric that I had. I did put the welt pocket in the back. I think this one ran a bit big but we all know how fast kids grow and my little guy is in a growth spurt as we speak. I really like the way these go together and the fit is pretty nice too. I added the hidden center soaker but only did 1 strip of ZORB and 2 layers of hemp fleece. That's only minimal coverage and not enough for a child like him which is one of the reason I put the pocket in the back. I want something that looks more like real undies for school and I can add an insert to get the coverage we need. Plus when he outgrows these I can donate them and another mama will get to decide how much she wants in case her little one is potty training. Yes, I still call it potty TRAINING-"potty learning" is silly if you ask me. I'm only for the "PC" stuff if it's reasonable and makes sense. Too many people are getting carried away with the silly stuff. Besides if you read the Bible it tells us to train up our's a form of teaching. Getting off the soapbox now... ;D

Here are a few pictures of the final product. The first picture is the front, then the back (I added a KCK label but didn't need too) and the third is the inside.
I think it came out pretty nice and I'm planning to do several more when I finish the custom orders I've got waiting on me.

Nikolas & Mikayla are both sick so between them and the customs I'm just waiting for a few free minutes for "me" time. I'm glad sewing is relaxing for me...uh oh, breathing treatment time again....I'll post more both blogs later. Bye!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Valentine's Day 2009

Well, it's Saturday 2/14/09 and I'm starting a personal/family blog so I can separate my work related things from the personal ones so here goes.
I always make some kind of special dinner for my hubby on Valentine's Day. First, because it's my gift to him and secondly, because eating out in nearly impossible between the cost, the time, and getting a sitter for the kids. Besides he prefers it since he's rather "anti-social" and really (honestly) likes my cooking. This year I cheated a bit.
For our anniversary last year we went to The Melting Pot compliments of my sister (she gave us a gift card for Christmas & we held on to it for a few months). That place is awesome!! I don't eat seafood so he got all the lobster-and had to give me some more of the filet mignon in return.
This year Gracie and I decided we should do that for our special family dinner today. (Jim & I include the kids in most of the special Valentine's things.) Well I spent a fortune-I mean we could have gone to the Melting Pot for what I spent-but I got filet mignon, lobster tail, chicken, pork, broccoli, portebella mushroom, good wine & veggie stock, the works! I precut everything last night and then "let" him cook at the table. Actually, he's a really good cook but just doesn't do it often. Plus, it was so nice to not have to cook for a change. We all ate way too much but I'm not watching that today. Boo wasn't very happy since he couldn't have what was on my plate but I put him on his mat in the living room and gave him a toy. That was good enough for him. It's so nice how "easy to please" he is.
The rest of the day wasn't as relaxing-Mom ended up in the ER at Community North because of her pneumonia, Crys had to work and her "other person" decided to try to earn some brownie-points by doing things he promised to do 6-12 months ago. Gracie is having a rough time all around and needs to go back on her medication but doesn't want to so we're fussing back and forth about that and to top it all off her starting puberty is driving me NUTS! How do you deal with an Aspie who's starting puberty?!?
All in all though it was a pretty good day. After all we're healthy, at home, and still together.